Sunday, March 22, 2015

Nano Technology: The walls urinate back on you

Public urination can be a nuisance to those living within the society, the main problem of course being the wretched smell that lingers at the spot. In very little cases is the act justifiable and most of the instances arise from drunken revelers. Many different methods have been tried and tested to tackle the problem such as temporary portable loos in areas of high density cases, but residents of St. Pauli, the party quarter of the German city of Hamburg, have taken a new approach to tackling the problem; the walls urinate back on anyone who dares to let loose on the streets.

A St. Pauli community organisation coated numerous walls and hot-spots throughout the quarter in super-hydrophobic coatings that cause urine to splash back at the perpetrators, making public urination a far more uncomfortable and complicated task. And if they do continue to urinate then hopefully they’ll be reminded never to do it again when they wake up smelling like the streets they normally tarnish.

Some of the walls have a signpost warning people that they’ll urinate back at you but not all of the walls come with a warning. This makes it a risky game for would-be perps. There’s a lightheartedness about the campaign but it has certainly succeeded in raising awareness to the issue. One St. Pauli resident warns in the campaign’s video, “it’s peeback time.

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