Thursday, April 2, 2015

Change the color of your car lights with your Ipad

Controlling lights in your home and office is neat, but something that’s got nothing on controlling your car’s LED headlights with an app. In this video, an iOS app used to simply tap a colour and change the LED headlight colours of a BMW. We see the app change the lights through a series of user-selected colours, which then take on a more lively appearance with different modes.
Cycling through colours is a well established trick of multi-coloured LED lights, while the strobe mode will suit the flashy showman looking to draw some attention.
Of course these neat tricks of RGB are most certainly not street legal in Australia. The boys in blue have heart palpitations when they spot someone with the ice white headlights and would have skip a beat if they seen this chameleon rolling down the road.
Technology doesn’t always have to be about reaching millions, sometimes its just about doing something different and interesting and yes sometimes for the sake of technology. Let’s face it, if you own a BMW with LED headlights, they’ll shine the road the same as normal globes, but tricks like these make them a step ahead of the rest.



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