Saturday, May 23, 2015

Audi’s new synthetic gasoline will put petrol in history

Audi’s new synthetic gasoline will put petrol in history

Audi, the well-known car maker, has been up to something behind the curtains. Car and Driver reports that the auto giant has managed to create a synthetic gasoline which is completely zero-petroleum and uses nothing but water, hydrogen, sunlight, and carbon dioxide.
The new form of fuel, e-benzin, is a 100-octane synthetic gasoline, which has zero-carbon byproduct, safe for the environment. They have managed to create a small batch of the synthetic gasoline without making use of any petroleum. Additionally, they are working to tweak the whole process to create the fuel, which contains no sulphur or benzene. Audi, along with research partner Global Bioenergies, figured out how to create the synthetic fuel from biomass, or plant material, making the fuel carbon-neutral.
An Audi spokesperson told Car and Driver that presently they have managed to only produce a small batch of the fuel. They are currently testing the energy power of the new fuel in internal combustion engines and lab settings. The synthetic gasoline project is to figure out how to completely eliminate the biomass requirement entirely and make petroleum a thing of the past.

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